In my humble opinion, God is a humanly personified metaphor for the entirety of the universe/cosmos. Because the universe is so incredibly vast, humans have consistently attempted to understand the universe by ascribing it human-like qualities in an effort to make the universe more accessible and less daunting. This is where the humorous phrase parodying the Bible “Man created God” comes from. Instead of God creating man, man has created God, and a singular, monotheistic god, for the same reason that the Greeks and other ancient cultures created multiple “gods”: an attempt to explain the forces and laws of nature that are beyond human control and to which humans are vitally vulnerable. Seen in this way, God is neither an entity nor a being separate from the cosmos and responsible for its creation, rather simply the term or title humans have ascribed to an imaginary "Creator" of the cosmos. As intelligent and accomplished as we have become, human thinking is still too limited to the physical effort and work we have to do to create anything. Since we have to create objects/tools of our own necessities, it would seem (at first) that something as profoundly vast, beautiful, tumultuous, and complex as the universe would need to be created by a being too, similar to us, but far more powerful; hence "Man created God." We are not comfortable with the idea that the univere/nature might not have or need a creator (other than itself), and therefore independent of a force or power outside of the laws of nature. My point of view is that nature and the universe have evolved through their own natural law from an unknown source and time (the Big Bang is closer but still inexact), and that “God” is simply a term we have derived from mythology to encapsulate the universe in human terms.